Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

All Standards for AV/ DV/MPEG

All Standards for AV/DV/MPEG

Sorry, all in english but i think you all understand. I've been
reading across your Forum's and here are some FINAL answers to
some things you all still got wrong. Everything you read is FACT
and Industrial Standard. Hope you Enjoy ;-)

AV/DV PixelPixel im Glossar erklärt Standard definitions
768x576 PALPAL im Glossar erklärt 4:3 (;Square) (;upper field first)
720x576 D1-PAL 4:3 (;1,067) (;upper field first)
720x576 PAL-DV 5:4 (;1,067) (;upper field first)
720x576 PALPAL im Glossar erklärt WideScreen 16:9 (;1,422) (;upper field first)
720x576 PALPAL im Glossar erklärt D1 (;1,07) DV, MiniDV, Digital8, Hi8Hi8 im Glossar erklärt, DVD

D1/DV PALPAL im Glossar erklärt Normal 1,0666
D1/DV PALPAL im Glossar erklärt Widescreen 1,4222
D1/DV NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt Normal 0,9
D1/DV NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt Widescreen 1,2
D4/D16 Standard 0,9481481
D4/D16 Anamorphic 1,8962962
DV Type 1 PAL 1,092 (;12:11) used by some Cameras

MPEG4 PAL/SECAM 4:3 1,091 (;12:11)
MPEG4 PAL/SECAM 16:9 1,45455 (;16:11)
MPEG4 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 4:3 0,909 (;10:11)
MPEG4 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 16:9 1,21212 (;40:33)

Some Hitachi DVD Cameras use:
352x480 / 704x480 for NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt and 352x576 / 704x576 for PALPAL im Glossar erklärt !
Consult your Manual !

MPEG PixelPixel im Glossar erklärt Standard definitions
Standard 1 = 1.0000 (;Square Pixel)

Standard 2 = 0.6735 PAL/SECAM 4:3 (;625 Lines)

Standard 3 = 0.7031 PAL/SECAM 16:9 (;625 Lines)

Standard 4 = 0.7615

Standard 5 = 0.8055

Standard 6 = 0.8437 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 16:9 (;525 Lines)

Standard 7 = 0.8935

Standard 8 = 0,9375 PAL/SECAM 4:3 (;625 Lines)
CCIR601 = 0.9375
SAR = 0.9157

Standard 9 = 0.9815

Standard 10= 1.0255

Standard 11= 1.0695

Standard 12= 1,1250 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 4:3 (;525 Lines)
CCIR601 = 1.1250

Standard 13= 1.1575

Standard 14= 1.2015

PAL/SECAM 352x288 (;VCD TV 4:3/16:9, 625 Lines)
MPEG 4:3 0.9157 (;SAR 8) = Standard 8
MPEG 16:9 0.7031 (;SAR 3) = Standard 3

NTSC 352x240 (;VCD TV 4:3/16:9, 525 Lines)
MPEG 4:3 1.095 (;SAR 12)= Standard 12
MPEG 16:9 0.8437 (;SAR 6) = Standard 6

Standard MPEGMPEG im Glossar erklärt Resolutions

Source Aspect Ratio (;SAR) MPEG-1 Resolutions (;VCD)
320 x 240 SAR = 1 (;1.0) = 1:1 VGA (;PAL/SECAM/NTSC Square Pixel)
Valid Framerates = 23.976, 24.000, 25.000, 29.970, 30.000 Fps
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)
Fps = Frames per Second

352 x 240 SAR = 12 (;1.095) = 4:3 (;NTSC 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)

352 x 240 SAR = 6 (;0.8437) = 16:9 (;NTSC 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)

352 x 288 SAR = 8 (;0.9157) = 4:3 (;PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)

352 x 288 SAR = 3 (;0.7031) = 16:9 (;PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)

384 x 288 SAR = 1 (;Square) = 4:3 (;PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = Progessive (;Non-Interlaced)

Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 44100 KHz
Bitrate: 224 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

Display Aspect Ratio (;DAR) MPEG-2MPEG-2 im Glossar erklärt Resoultions (;SVCD)
480 x 480 DAR = 2 (;4:3 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

480 x 576 DAR = 2 (;4:3 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

480 x 480 DAR = 3 (;16:9 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

480 x 576 DAR = 3 (;16:9 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000 KHz at 256 Kbit/s
44100 KHz at 224 Kbit/s
48000 KHz at 192 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

Display Aspect Ratio (;DAR) MPEG-2MPEG-2 im Glossar erklärt Resoultions (;TV)
704 x 480 DAR = 2 (;4:3 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

704 x 576 DAR = 2 (;4:3 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

704 x 480 DAR = 3 (;16:9 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

704 x 576 DAR = 3 (;16:9 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000 KHz at 256 Kbit/s
44100 KHz at 224 Kbit/s
48000 KHz at 192 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

Display Aspect Ratio (;DAR) MPEG-2MPEG-2 im Glossar erklärt Resoultions (;DVD)
720 x 480 DAR = 2 (;4:3 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

720 x 576 DAR = 2 (;4:3 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

720 x 480 DAR = 3 (;16:9 NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt 29.970 Fps, 525 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

720 x 576 DAR = 3 (;16:9 PAL/SECAM 25.000 Fps, 625 Lines)
Frame Type = InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt (;Field order Odd/Even)

Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000 KHz at 256 Kbit/s
44100 KHz at 224 Kbit/s
48000 KHz at 192 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

Standard MPEGMPEG im Glossar erklärt Framerates
23.976 fps (;24000/1001) NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt Film
24.000 fps Standard Cinema Movie
25.000 fps Standard PAL/SECAM Television
29.970 fps (;30000/1001) NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt Television
30.000 fps (;Drop Frame) NTSC

Please Note that Filmrates (;23.976/24.000) DON'T work well on most
TV's unless you have a "24P"-Sign sticking on it which says that your
Screen can handle TRUE Film-Material and display it right !
Film-Material is encoded PROGRESSIVE and most DVD-Players refuse such
Material or play it very jerky and stuttering.

Filmrates for Internet/Home is no Problem.

Standard FieldField im Glossar erklärt order
Some Cameras use FieldField im Glossar erklärt order Even/Odd ! Such Material need
conversion unless the TV-Set handles it, but most of them DON'T !

The International standard is Odd/Even. (;Field order B)

If your Material looks "fuzzy" or "wobbles" on your TV then you got the
wrong FieldField im Glossar erklärt order and needs to be changed and re-encoded.

Possible Settings in Film Editing Applications:
Field order A (;2,4,6,8, etc) means:
Bottom FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
Lower FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
Even FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
1st Line Bottom

Field order B (;1,3,5,7, etc) means: (;International Standard)
Top FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
Upper FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
Odd FieldField im Glossar erklärt first
1st Line Top

Full Image / Picture based etc. means:
Progressive (;Non-Interlaced)

Standard GOP (;Group Of Pictures) for MPEG-1/MPEG-2
There are 4 valid GOP's for the MPEGMPEG im Glossar erklärt Standard:
GOP9 = IBBPBBPBB (;1 I-Frame, 2 B-Frames, 2 P-Frames)
GOP12= IBBPBBPBBPBB (;1 I-Frame, 2 B-Frames, 3 P-Frames)
GOP15= IBBPBBPBBPBBPBB (;1 I-Frame, 2 B-Frames, 4 P-Frames)
GOP18= IBBPBBPBBPBBPBBPBB (;1 I-Frame, 2 B-Frames, 5 P-Frames)

Closed GOP = Only for Editing ! (;Example:IBBPBBPBBPI)

I = Intraframe (;Keyframe)
B = Bi-Directional Frame
P = Predicted Frame

GOP9 is hardly used.
GOP12 is widely used as the Standard GOP.
GOP15 is the most selected one because it works best
with all Framerates.
GOP18 is mostly used for NTSCNTSC im Glossar erklärt running long Movies without
too much motion.

There is also a I-Frame only Mode and means that there are
no B and P Frames, only I frames and is meant for Editing
purposes ONLY !

Some VCDVCD im Glossar erklärt Authoring Software refuses Files with other GOP's.
Consult the Manual before Encoding with different GOP's.

Standard GOP for MPEG-4
There are 3 definitions:
Short GOP, Medium GOP and Long GOP

PAL/SECAM (;25.000 Fps)
Short GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 25 frames
Medium GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 125 Frames
Long GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 250 Frames

Film/Cinema (;24.000 Fps)
Short GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 24 frames
Medium GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 120 Frames
Long GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 240 Frames

NTSC (;29.970 FPs)
Short GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 30 frames
Medium GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 150 Frames
Long GOP: 1 KeyframeKeyframe im Glossar erklärt every 300 Frames

The Frames between Keyframes can be set to:
P = No B-Frames, just P-Frames
BP = 1 B-Frame followed by a P-Frame
BBP = 2 B-Frames follwed by a P-Frame

Can be set from 1 to 31. Setting the Q-Factor to 1 will result
in very large Files with very little HeadroomHeadroom im Glossar erklärt for the Bitrate
and the best Quality. Q-Factor 31 represents the lowest Quality.

In MPEG-4 this value can be set independently while in MPEG-2
all Frames are affected.

There is no major reference for this Setting. In general setting
the Q-Factor to 4 should be a good start.

Duplicate Sequence Header
Instead of just having the Header at the begining of the File by
activating this Option the Header is written along the Stream.
Many Devices handle MPEG-Files better this way as it reduces the

The Default Buffer is 40 and can be increased to 112. If the
Movie is playing fine with the default 40 Buffers, fine. But
if you see a yerky Playback (;Stuttering) on high Motion
Scenes then increase the Buffers to the maximum of 112 wich
mostly cures the Problem.

40 is standard for MPEG-1 VCDVCD im Glossar erklärt and 112 for MPEG-2MPEG-2 im Glossar erklärt SVCD/DVD.
Again, some VCDVCD im Glossar erklärt Authoring Software refuses Files with larger
Buffers. Consult the Manual before Encoding with larger Buffers.

Standard MPEG-4 Profiles
*** Hi-Definition Profile ***
The HD profile is intended for any hardware device that can
playback high-definition DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt content.

The detailed requirements are:

Recommended max resolution: 1280 x 720 @ 30 fps
Maximum MB per second : 108000
Maximum average bitrate : 8000kbps
B Frames : Allowed
Interlace : Allowed

Frame Rates allowed: 12, 15, 24, 25, 30, 60

Note: A FramerateFramerate im Glossar erklärt of 60 fps works ONLY at a max Resolution
of 800x576 in this Profile ! All other Framerates are
allowed up to the Max Resolution. (;176x144 to 1280x720)

DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt Version 4.12 has a max resolution of 1920x1280 at 30 Fps

*** Home Theater Profile ***
The specifications for this profile will ensure that DivX-certified
home theater devices such as DVD players, set-top boxes, and gaming
consoles, can play back all versions of high-quality DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt content.

The detailed requirements are:

Recommended max resolution: 720 x 480 @ 30 fps, 720 x 576 @ 25 fps
Maximum MB per second : 40500
Maximum average bitrate : 4000kbps
B Frames : Allowed
Interlace : Allowed

Frame Rates allowed: 12, 15, 24, 25, 30, 60

Note: A FramerateFramerate im Glossar erklärt of 60 fps works ONLY at a max Resolution
of 592x288 to 448x384 in this Profile ! All other Framerates are
allowed up to the Max Resolution. (;176x144 to 720x576)

This is the default Profile in DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt and conforms to the default
Profile in XviD (;Advanced Simple Profile 5).

*** Portable Profile ***
The Portable profile will enable high-quality DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt content for portable
video devices, including video-enabled MP3 players and small video
playback devices such as PDA.

The detailed requirements are:

Recommended max resolution: 352 x 240 @ 30 fps, 352 x 288 @ 25 fps
Maximum MB per second : 9900
Maximum average bitrate : 768kbps
B Frames : Allowed
Interlace : Not allowed

Frame Rates allowed: 12, 15, 24, 25, 30, 60* (;*=Read Note!)

Note: A FramerateFramerate im Glossar erklärt of 60 fps works ONLY at a max Resolution
of 256x160 in this Profile ! All other Framerates are
allowed up to the Max Resolution.
(;176x144 to 352x288 at max 25 fps and 352x240 at max 30 fps)

This Profile conforms to the Profile in XviD (;Advanced Simple Profile 3).

*** Handheld Profile ***
This profile is intended to enable the decoding of DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt video content
at bitrates and resolutions appropriate for small handheld devices
such as mobile phones and digital watches.

The detailed requirements are:

Recommended max resolution: 176 x 144 @ 15 fps
Maximum MB per second : 1485
Maximum average bitrate : 128kbps
B Frames : Not allowed
Interlace : Not allowed

Frame Rates allowed: 12, 15

This Profile conforms to the Profile in XviD (;Advanced Simple Profile 1).

Updated Profiles: (;Source: DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt Networks)
Profiles: Resolution/Bitrate:
-------- ------------------
Handheld High 174x144 - 180kbps
Handheld Low 160x120 - 160kbps
Low Resolution - 16:9 Source (;Anamorphic) 352x192 - 400kbps
Low Resolution - 4:3 Source (;PAL/SECAM) 352x288 - 500kbps
Low Resolution - 4:3 Source (;NTSC) 352x240 - 500kbps
HDTV 1080p1080p im Glossar erklärt - HD Source 1920x1080 - 6mbps
HDTV 720p - HD Source 1280x720 - 3mbps
HDTV - 16:9 Source (;Anamorphic Optimized) 640x720 - 2mbps
Home Theater Cartoon - 4:3 Source 640x480 - 1mbps
Home Theater Cartoon - Anamorphic 16:9 Source 640x352 - 800kbps
Home Theater Cartoon - Letter Box 16:9 Source 640x352 - 800kbps
Home Theater Generic - 4:3 Source 640x480 - 1mbps
Home Theater Generic - Anamorphic 16:9 Source 640x352 - 800kbps
Home Theater Generic - Letter Box 16:9 Source 640x352 - 800kbps
Home Theater Generic - Noisy 4:3 Source 640x480 - 1.1mbps
Home Theater Generic - Noisy Anamorphic 16:9 Source 640x352 - 900kbps
Home Theater Generic - Noisy Letter Box 16:9 Source 640x352 - 900kbps
Real Time TV CaptureCapture im Glossar erklärt - 16:9 Source (;Letter Box) 640x352 - 12mbps
Real Time TV CaptureCapture im Glossar erklärt - 4:3 Source 640x480 - 16mbps

Restrictions for B Frames and Framerates -> See above....

Tested "Exotic" Resolutions:
352x480 at 23.976, 29.970 and 30.000 fps (;NTSC TV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
360x480 at 23.976, 29.970 and 30.000 fps (;NTSC DV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
480x480 at 29.970 fps (;NTSC S-Video, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
704x480 at 29.970 fps (;NTSC TV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
352x576 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM TV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
360x576 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM DV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
480x576 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM S-Video, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
704x576 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM TV, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
384x288 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM SDTV, 4:3, Progressive)
768x576 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM SDTV, 4:3, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
768x432 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM SDTV, 16:9, InterlacedInterlaced im Glossar erklärt and Progressive)
512x288 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM HDTV, 16:9, Progressive)
512x384 at 25.000 fps (;PAL/SECAM HDTV, 4:3, Progressive)

All listed Profiles have been tested on Certified Devices and worked fine.

Audio Streams tested:
AC3, Mono/Stereo/All Multichannel Modes *!
MP3, Constant/Average/Variable Bitstream, Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo
MPEG1 Layer1, Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual-Mono
MPEG1 Layer2, Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual-Mono/Surround
OGG Vobis, Mono/Stereo/All Modes

All listed Streams have been tested on Certified Devices and worked fine.

*!= DivXDivX im Glossar erklärt Version 6 needs a AC3AC3 im Glossar erklärt Patch to work correctly !

Recommended Audio Formats for MPEG-4 AVI:
AC3 48000 KHz, 16 BitBit im Glossar erklärt, Stereo, 192 Kbit/s
MP3 44100 KHz, 16 BitBit im Glossar erklärt, Stereo, 128 Kbit/s

IMPORTANT: Interleave the Audio every 1 FrameFrame im Glossar erklärt with the Video !

Standard MPEG-2MPEG-2 im Glossar erklärt Profiles
HP@H-14 1440x1152 (;4:2:0 / 4:2:2)
Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 10000/15000 Kbit/s
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10,11
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1/21:9
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

HP@ML 720x480/576 (;4:2:0 / 4:2:2)
Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 6000/9400 Kbit/s
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10,11
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1/21:9
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

MP@HL 1920x1152 (;4:2:0)
Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 10000/15000 Kbit/s
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10,11
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1/21:9
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

MP@H-14 1440x1152 (;4:2:0)
Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 10000/15000 Kbit/s
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10,11
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1/21:9
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

MP@ML 720x480/576 (;4:2:0) DVD Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 6000/8000 Kbit/s
480x480/575 (;4:2:0) SVCDSVCD im Glossar erklärt Max Bitrate CBR: 2550 Kbit/s
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

Standard MPEG-1 Profile
MP@LL 352x240/288 (;4:2:0) VCDVCD im Glossar erklärt (;MAX 384x240/288)
Max Bitrate CBR/VBR: 3000/3200 Kbit/sKbit/s im Glossar erklärt (;XVCD)
Intra DC Precision: 8,9,10
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 32000/44100/48000 KHz
Bitrates: 128-384 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

MPEG-1 VCDVCD im Glossar erklärt 352x240/288 (;4:2:0)
CBR Bitrate: 1150 Kbit/s
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 44100 KHz
Bitrates: 224 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

MPEG-1 SVCDSVCD im Glossar erklärt 480x480/576 (;4:2:0)
CBR Bitrate: 2550 Kbit/s
Pixel Format: Square/4:3/16:9/2.21:1
Audio Format: MPEG-1 LayerLayer im Glossar erklärt 2
Sample Rates: 44100 KHz
Bitrates: 224 Kbit/s
(;Mono/Stereo/Joint Stereo/Dual Mono/Surround)

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